"Religion is living with God. There is no other kind of religion. Living with a Book, living with or by a Rule, being awfully high-principled are not in themselves religion, although many people think they are and that that is all there is to it. Religion has got a bad name through being identified with an outward orderliness. But an outward orderliness can be death, dullness and masochism. Doing your duty may be admirable stoicism; it isn't religion.
To find religion itself you must look inside people and inside yourself. And there, if you find even the tiniest grain of true love, you may be on the right scent. Millions of people have it and don't know what it is that they have. God is their guest, but they haven't the faintest idea that he is in the house. So you mustn't only look where God is confessed and acknowledged. You must look everywhere, to find the real religion. Nor must you look, in others or in yourself, for great spooky visions and revelations. Such visions and revelations come to many, a great deal oftener than we think; and to those to whom they come they are sun, moon and stars. But in most people who know God, and in all such people most of the time, living with God is not an apparition but a wordless and endless sureness. Like the silence of two friends together. Like the silence of lovers.
God is waiting to live like that in every single person in the world."
- Bernard Canter, 1962
I hope your Holy Day(s) have been filled with love, light and joy! Mine's been just that...! :) + work ;p 'cause that's just the way things are. :) Finding gifts is sooo much easier if department stores are opened! ;p
Days have also been 'spiced up' with little E and my littlest niece A getting chicken pox it just in time for Santa's visit on Saturday (yes! that's right, he comes here on xmas eve! how else would he have the time to go round the world? ;)) and hopefully we've seen the worst of it now (and it's been worse than it was for big brother) and that our 'babies' can welcome the New Year pox free! :) *fingers crossed!*
I'm starting to get a little bit nervous about going back to uni, about 2012 in general actually...! I feel miracles bubbling away over the horison...