Wow, what an amazing, powerful, awesome experience. I was thrilled when we were told that we'd get to do this modern yet perhaps old (?) Quaker experiment. :) 'A guided Light meditation' I think is what J.R. called it... That's what I'd call it too.
Now, I can't remember all the 'steps' so please have that in mind when you read what I've written...
We were in the Silence, told to wait In the Light rather than For the Light... and as soon as those words were spoken something shifted in me. I sensed the Light in a way I haven't before. I struggled to hang on to it when she told us to bring what we stuggle with into the Light but it stayed there, shimmering, growing brighter...
I was In the Light..
'Surrender it to the Light, Trust the Light.' Wow...! Oh. My. Goodness.
I'm hesitate to write what I'm about to... but I know now (perhaps I've always know?) that I have the Answers, the truth...My Truth, in me...In the Light. (!?!) Wow...
An experience, and a knowledge, which left my face wet with tears.
After that session we had some time to ourselves, followed with Worship Sharing and then dinner in well-needed silence. :)
In the Light,
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