I am not a human being
trying to have a spiritual experience.
I am a spirit being
mastering the human experience.

Friday, 13 May 2011

So, here I go...

Love Me

I promise to love, honour and respect myself, so that I may be the best person I can be for those who I love and who love me in return.

By treating myself with kindness and compassion I stand as an example to others
(most importantly to my children)
of how they too can, and should, consider and treat themselves and others. We should not allow anyone, least ourselves, to put us down or dull our shine.

In the vast Universe there is only one of me
 and I am better than I hold myself to be.
From now on I will treat myself as I as well as I would want others to treat me, with love.


Would you take the pledge with me...for you?


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E. said...


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