Around the house... So-so. :) Husband's been in charge of the house while I've been working and coming home late and it's not too bad actually. ;) Hoovering isn't his 'thing' (yet?) so I'll do that tomorrow when I'm off. :) :)
I'm wearing... pj's...should be in bed already! ;p
I'm reading... nothing at the mo!? :O
I'm hearing... commercials on the TV.
I'm learning... all the time. :)
I'm thinking… I'm too tired for this. ;)
I'm hoping... I'll ge a lie in tomorrow morning.
I'm grateful for... a lot of things lately. The small things in life mainly and that feels good.
Low note... Coming home late, past kiddies bedtime, three nights in a row. I miss, and therefore appreciate more, the 'chaos' of putting kiddies to bed.
High note... Seeing the joy and pride on little miss' face when she showed me the cupcakes she'd baked with her daddy last Saturday. That joy multiply by about a gazillion when I was allowed to taste one and (of course!) told her it was the best cupcake I'd ever had. :) :) :) It is the little things that count. :) I think we were both as thrilled as each other...
Light...? Working on/with self-compassion ...I think that might be key... seems to be...'working'...(?)

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