I am not a human being
trying to have a spiritual experience.
I am a spirit being
mastering the human experience.

Friday 20 May 2011


My resolve is strong...! (in case you thought I'd caved in! ;))
Yeah, as previously written I'm 'zen' in a Me-kinda-way not in a practical, marital or financial sort of way ;p sooo...there will be, and are, bumps in the road ahead.

March and April were sorta hang-about-the-house-months for me so I had plenty of time for blogging... Now that I'm back to work and there's a clearer divide between family, work and 'spare time'...in that order of priority! Sooo...my posts might be slightly fewer and further between than recently...just so you know. :)

Life in general is...'OK'. It's difficult to find the right word for it since it's been soooo long since it was somewhat 'normal' and because it was utterly crap this winter 'good' is way too stong of a word for this...truce (?) we're currently experiencing. We're currently negotiating the peace treaty and its a treacherous track... Time (my most beloved and despised companion) is needed in these negotiations and that's what's been 'given'.


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