After having our dinner, in silence, we gathered again at 7 to discuss the Quaker way of making decisions (i.e. Meeting for Business (I think!)) and the discussion was very interesting. Lots of questions answered... more questions beginning to grow forth and a huge interest in wanting to learn more...! :)
It was probably around 9ish when we wrapped things up again for the evening, but with thoughts racing in my head it took a while to settle and I guess I was asleep about 11ish.
Breakfast 8 - 9, in silence. :) Afterwards we had some time to get our things packed and room organised.
9.30ish we again gathered for Worship Sharing to round up our experience of the last few days.
What had we come to realise/gained from the Days for Learning?
What, if anything, would/could we leave behind?
My thoughts were (and still are) that I feel that I'm on the Right Path (for me!), whatever that Path might end up being... Quaker or not! :) And, I feel that I'm, in me, I will (hopefully) trust myself more from now on. I feel I've left (some of all my) Doubt behind and that I've gained Trust...
This is were we 'should' have finished for the weekend, well, after Meeting and lunch that is... :) but we were honoured with the visit of 3 more very experienced Friends so before Meeting we got to quiz them too with whatever questions we might still have unanswered...or...wanted yet another 3 points of view on! ;) :)
Meeting was...good. Words more abundant than perhaps 'usual' but it was still goosebump worthy ministry.
Then, lunch with lots of talking and a feeling of not wanting it all to end...! Yet, I started missing my little folk and it was Time to go, to head home. :) We, same group we were when we came, got into the car and headed south again just after 2 and I was Home at 8...! The journey home always feels longer doesn't it? It was not as chatty as on Friday, yet it was far from silent...more snoring ;) going on maybe but it was a gooood journey home. :)
My head, and yours too probably (!) *blushing*, is sort of spinning from trying to write it all down, reliving and remembering the awsomeness that this weekend was...! :D I feel like I might have missed essential stuff, I had a lovely walk with L.B. and really rewarding chat with J.R. and...probably lots more...!! :)
I'm going to let things chill a little, perhaps air some thoughts with my soul sister... and then I'll be back with some more reflections and photos of this beautiful, somewhat distant, place - now so very close to my heart.
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