It gave me goose-bumps! :)
I couldn't just let it pass so later in the conversation turned I again to the woman and said to her how beautiful I had found her words to be... :) L.B. then said that it's not uncommon that feeling - that one doesn't become a Quaker, you are one.
More goose-bumps! :)
At this Meeting there were also two young children (not yet 2 and 3½ years old) present and it was sooo amazing to see how they too managed to be still and silent:ish ;) for the whole hour!? :) :) :) Amazing. :) Their presence added another...dimension to Meeting, to have the sound of little people there - who are truly in the Present in the Here and Now and therefore a fantastic help (at least to me) to do/be the same.
I still feel like I'm figuring out my 'way to worship', and feeling satisfied as long as I manage to turn of the every-day-life-chattering in my head. The whole 'listening within'-thing isn't really (but possibly?) happening just yet... Taking my time... :)
Other things/news Quaker...! :D I'm going to participate in Days for learning (is what I think it might be called in English) in November. Three(:ish) days of learning about Quaker faith and practice - I'm so excited! :) It's at a Quaker retreat up north, about a 6 hour drive (or for me ride!) away. We (L.B, A. and I) are heading there on Friday morning and we'll be back home again on Sunday evening... Very much looking forward to it! :)
that one doesn't become a Quaker, you are one.
I feel that way about being Polytheist and a Friend. It's not a coverstion but rather finding your way back home.
Don't worry about the chattering in your head during Meeting...I get it too along with songs and snippets of verses playing over and over. Sometimes I can get all the racket to be silent and other times I just let it happen.
I'm very jealous that you get to go for 3 days to a Quaker retreat! Cannot wait to hear how it went and what you learned!
:) I'm kinda jealous of myself too actually! ;) I can't really believe I'm doing something this (hopefully) nice for me!?! :D In the midst of all this chaos I'm taking time for Me...?! Madness I'm sure but the retreat is paid for, my ride up there is booked, babysitter (Mum! ♥) organised... I'm going! :D :D :D
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