Det är som det är, för att det är som det är.
Translated into English it goes something sorta like this;
It is what it is, because it is what it is...
Meaning...that the situation one is in is due to surrounding circumstances - the house is a mess, because I wasn't home to tidy or too busy or out having fun or not giving a damn or one is tired because one didn't get enough sleep or the kids are being a pain in the side because they aren't getting enough attention... etc. and so on.
It is what it is, because it is what it is.
...and for things/'it' to not be what 'it' is we need to change the other it's. Make sense??? Or...perhaps this is yet another one of my not-so-sensible ramblings?! ;)
In the Light (?),
Makes perfect Zen sense to me! When I find myself wanting to gauge my eyes out, I often say it is what it is dude. Much less Zenish, but it gets the job done.
We have a similiar saying over here "it is what it is" meaning you cannot change it, so just accept it. <3 Very freeing!
DM: Thanks! :D I think the 'dude' at the end is perfect zen! ;D
Cora: :) :) :) I know...but I think it is the next part, the WHY-bit of "it is what it is" that does the freeing...and the changing! :D The fact that it brings into the light the WHAT it is that is the 'problem' or cause for things being the way they are... :)
Thinking that next step ahead to the why and what might have made things to be what they are opens things up...brings some perspective to it all... I think... :)
There's not only acceptance in this but also the enlightenment... you know...? :)
You inspired a post from me. I linked back to you sassy lady.
DM: :D xx
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