I'm worn, torn, all but broken and then I get a tiny moment to catch my breath and then I'm sucker-punched in the gut and the breaking down starts all over again...!
I keep taking it. I keep coping, managing, inching forward in this effort that is Life (right now, I keep lying to myself)...but I'm really, really, really, really, really, really getting fed up with always coping and managing...not knowing how to give up....! To whomever's in charge and obviously is getting a kick out of this - I'd give up if I knew how to!!!
Angry and Frustrated,
Oh boy, overwhelmed doesn't sound like a big enough word for what I am reading. Can you escape for a day or two?
DM: Nope... Life hasn't given me that as an option. Ah, I know I'm being overly...harsh...? I'm just running out of reasons for all this and I can't see a purpose or a path ahead just...struggle and I'm fed up.
I KNOW that to get the rainbow we need the rain but...this downpour seems neverending... and I can't remember when I last had some wind in my sails..
I had a dream last night that you called me and told me that everything was finalized and done. You weren't happy about it, but there was some relief.
I've been thinking about you <3
Thanks hun. :] Great relief I imagine... <3
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