What decision did I make then you might wonder...? Well...it was probably one of the hardest ones I think I've ever had to make, one I never thought I'd make.
I decided that with all things going on right now studying at university is just too damn hard. It broke my heart, more than a little bit, to realise this but I also realised that it's OK and it wouldn't be breaking my heart if I was on the wrong path. I know now, for sure that I want to teach and I'm going to teach...but... it'll have to wait for a little bit.
I need to find my footing again and find a way for studying to give me energy the way it has been previously. Recently I've just felt unfocused and drained, unexcited and...drained. The usual energy boost that studying has given me has just been lost with all that's been going on at home so...
I'm going back to work ('til next year) where my mind doesn't have to be ON all the time (sad but true) and where I can just go and do and I don't have to plan and figure things out or stress and worry about exams and papers etc. that are due and so on and so on. Planning, figuring, stress and worry I get plenty of anyways at home at the mo and I need home to be much less stressful to have and get energy from my studying...
It was a difficult decision to make (why start easy, eh?)...but, maybe, hopefully (?) it was necessary to make this one to be able to take the next step ahead. I am by no means thrilled about it but it does feel necessary and making it has made it easier for me to breathe and I desperately need some breathing space right now...

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