My mum's looked after the kids during the weekend while I've been at work and little sis was supposed to come mind them today but last night was rough, the itching is no fun right now + he's sore too so even scratching the itch makes him cry. Feeling quite miserable = no-one but mummy will do, :) so I've stayed home from work today.
We've gotten some stuff today to relieve him of the itching and I think it might be working 'cause he fell asleep just after I put it on. :)
So...will Little E get in just in time for xmas or...? ;) Oh well, it's about time they got it and littlest niece is big enough now too to get it so bring it on! ;p Just a bit of a shame that they miss last week of xmas fun in school/nursery - especially Lucia tomorrow which they have been practising and preparing for this past month.. Big sis has promised to prepare some 'lussemys' at her house so they'll still get to dress up and sing some songs and truly make us all feel that xmas is here.. :) :) :)

I hope he feels better before Christmas! Do Swedish kids get the chickenpox vaccine?
I got the pox when I was 3 and have a scar between my eyes from scratching >.<
I think he's already on the mend. :) The spots are starting to dry out. Now we're just waiting to see when Little E (and littlest niece A.) gets it. :/ :\ It'd be good if it came sooner rather than later. :)
You can get the vaccine here but it's not included in the free vaccination 'program' (?) recommended for little peeps. :)
A friend of mine got her kids vaccinated in fear of possible issues related to chicken pox and I guess I would have too eventually, if they didn't catch it before puberty ('cause for adults it's not a very nice thing to catch!).
I too have some scarres from scratching! :D That alone is not cause for 'over vaccinating' kiddies though. ;)
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