'I want to be better.'
'I love you.'
'You mean everything to me.'
Wonderful words aren't they? But. What does 'I'm sorry.' mean? What does 'sorry', 'love' and 'better' mean if there isn't an action and intent behind them? What does 'love' mean if you can't feel it?
I'm of the opinion that when one says 'sorry' there should be a thought, an action, behind it too. An intention of trying to correct what went wrong, whether it was bumping into someone in the street (i.e. I'll try better to look out for other pedestrians) or hurting someones feelings (i.e. I'm going to try to be more careful with my words/actions).
A 'sorry' without that intent is just empty words, and I can't stand empty words...! An empty 'sorry' will only cause more hurt and more bumping into people. Why say 'sorry' if you have no intention of at least trying to changes the mistake(s) made...?
You have to be sorry, if you say you're sorry.
Be the words you speak.
Be the intention behind your words!
The same thing goes with 'I love you'. It must be one of the most wonderful things to say to, and hear from, friends and family...but...it too can be empty. Don't say you love me if you don't intend to act towards me with love. If you act with love, in love, then the words no longer need to be spoken. The feeling of love will be felt. The same goes with 'sorry', if you truly mean you're sorry and act like you have understood the hurt caused then sorry will be understood, felt, and the words are rendered unnecessary.
Be love.
Be sorry...
Sure, it's always nice to hear the words too! :) But! The important thing is the feeling of being loved, respected and most importantly seen.
Because I believe that is was everyone longs for, to be seen. See the people you talk to, whether it be a stranger on the street or a loved one at home. See them and make them feel the words you speak...and always, always, try to speak with love.

Extreme - More Than Words
1 comment:
Beautiful, sis! <3 Very powerful and insightful words of TRUTH!
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