Outside my window... Frosty, misty, cold & snowy
I am thinking... I wish Spring would hurry up and get here! :) I hope I don't miss out too much in school whilst I'm home with feverish little miss.
I am thankful for... Little miss just having a stubborn cold and nothing worse. I send Thanks every day for the health of our little ones.
From the learning rooms... Still a bit unsure what 'the learning room' is, but at uni we're currently going through the national curriculum for math, Swedish and English and it's making me realise truly how much little people are supposed to learn in school! :) And I'm going to be the one in charge of making that a reality!?
From the kitchen... Oh! Don't make me think of the kitchen! It's in a right state at the mo! :P
I am wearing... My grey sweats, baby pink tee with white polka dots and my grey sheepskin slippers.
I am creating... more mess by not tidying while little E. naps?
I am going... to take little man to swim class later on this afternoon.
I am reading... lately, not enough just for the pleasure of it. Course litterature can't be classed as 'fun', even if it can be interesting and inspiring.
I am hoping... for a lot of things...
I am hearing... the hot air fans blow (its too cold to go outside to fill up the pellets. MrMan can do that when he comes home!), little miss's snoring and a re-run of ANTM on the TV in the livingroom.
Around the house... Cat hair, always the bleedin' cat hair! :/
One of my favorite things... is to blog in peace, to sit on ponder over my own thoughts and how to convey what I think/feel to others... :)
A few plans for the rest of the week: prepare for my workplacement next week, stress over not feeling prepared enough and meeting family at the weekend. I want to see if I can find some one-on-one-time with my BFF too. ♥
Here is picture for thought I am sharing... Beautiful artwork by Audrey Kawasaki (if nude young women bother you, don't follow the link, but you'll miss out on some amazing art!)

Oil and graphite on wood 19x24
'Mayoi Michi' @ Copro Nason Gallery
I just love it, her secret bird is a Pheonix! (or...! :) at least that's what I interpret the bird to be. :))

Go to The Simple Women's Daybook to read what others have been up to.
"The Learning Rooms" : )
I started doing A Simple Woman's Daybook a few weeks ago after seeing another blogger doing it. After doing my first entry, one of my readers commented advising that the site for Simple Woman is run by a Christian Churchy lady and almost all of her "followers" are sweet little church lady's who homeschool...that's what that "Learning Room" prompt is.
I just think it's friggin hysterical that a blog started by a churchy woman has caught on in the Pagan blog community and we've made it our own : )
Ah yes...thanks! :) I interpreted it as a bit of "lessons learnt" so I guess it works even for the non-homeschooling peeps. :D
Well, I guess churchy and pagan aren't as far apart as they'd might believe to be! ;)
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