Alrighty then, once again I'm having this getting-nowhere-conversation with myself.
It's decision time! Now. Preferably yesterday but now will work too...
Where to go? What to do? What are the consequences of doing or not doing? Going or not going? What are my options? How do those options work to my advantage or disadvantage? Do I have other options? Pros and cons them...!? Yes or No? Stay or Go? Maybe going is staying or perhaps staying means going...?? :/
What about maybe...? Or...I don't know...!?
This really, really, really is my least favourite thing about being a grown up. I hate it, I don't wanna!
Yet, I have to decide I have to choose and I know that whatever I choose it will be the right one...the certainty of that fact (and I believe it to be a fact!) doesn't make things any easier though...! Whyyyy is it sooo hard to just make a decision?! Just throw oneself into the 'unknown', people do it all the time about all kinds of stuff! Live a little? :P Nah... *sigh*
Things are hard and could so easily be easy. I keep hoping to see a light at the end of the tunnel, for hope to emerge once again yet there's nothing...but wait! Did I see a tiny ray of light?!? ...probably not...or...? No! Yes? ...and here we go again...
At the same time as I feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders I feel silly 'cause what are my 'worries' in comparison to others? There is no right or wrong! There's just...being, doing, living. Hurts will heal, wounds will mend, the past will be behind us and the future is ahead. I know what is important and that won't go anywhere, whatever I decide...! So DO, LIVE, BE!
...but...what? where? how...? :\
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