I am not a human being
trying to have a spiritual experience.
I am a spirit being
mastering the human experience.

Saturday, 11 June 2011

In pain but OK

Ever since going back to work my back's been bothering me...or my shoulder blade has. I'm obviously doing something not right...or...something's not right at work. So, I've been in some pain...I still am. Got drugs from the doc yesterday and I'm hoping a course of pain meds will make me OK again...? :)

I'm trying to stay of the computer and move about doing less static activities but... :D it's not easy. ;p Last year during April I logged out of everything but blogger, which I also limited to an hour/day, feels like something like that might be needed again...?

I read an article the other day about a family who'd not been 'online' for 6 months. The mother had wrote a book about the experience The Winter of Our Disconnect: How One Family Pulled the Plug on Their Technology and Lived to Tell/Text/Tweet the Tale. ;) An intriguing idea and I can imagine a healthy experience for most of us... I think finding the balance between between online/offline is sometimes hard. The connectedness of the WorldWideWeb is an awesome experience, I've learnt SO much and 'met' ;) some of the Most Amazing People thanks to it...so I'm not wishing a complete disconnect, I think it'd be too great of a loss of information and friendship...but...I do wish I could be better with the limitations of the time I/we spend 'plugged in'... Hmmm... Most definitely it is something to keep working at...! :)

What else...? (since I am still connected ;)) I'm feeling...good... despite the irritating, annoying and frustrating pain...I feel OK. Again...in me... but...I'm hoping it will soon spread to other parts of my Life.

Now I better get a move on. Mum and Little Sis are coming for a visit.


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