I'm trying to stay of the computer and move about doing less static activities but... :D it's not easy. ;p Last year during April I logged out of everything but blogger, which I also limited to an hour/day, feels like something like that might be needed again...?
I read an article the other day about a family who'd not been 'online' for 6 months. The mother had wrote a book about the experience The Winter of Our Disconnect: How One Family Pulled the Plug on Their Technology and Lived to Tell/Text/Tweet the Tale. ;) An intriguing idea and I can imagine a healthy experience for most of us... I think finding the balance between between online/offline is sometimes hard. The connectedness of the WorldWideWeb is an awesome experience, I've learnt SO much and 'met' ;) some of the Most Amazing People thanks to it...so I'm not wishing a complete disconnect, I think it'd be too great of a loss of information and friendship...but...I do wish I could be better with the limitations of the time I/we spend 'plugged in'... Hmmm... Most definitely it is something to keep working at...! :)
What else...? (since I am still connected ;)) I'm feeling...good... despite the irritating, annoying and frustrating pain...I feel OK. Again...in me... but...I'm hoping it will soon spread to other parts of my Life.
Now I better get a move on. Mum and Little Sis are coming for a visit.
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