As you might already know I'm a
big fan of the
Charter for Compassion and
(unsurprisingly ;)) I also follow it
on facebook. :) There I get links to lots of interesting articles and other stuff. :) Today when I came home from work I did my usual look-through of my news feed and as usual there was a link to an article, this time by Desmond Tutu -
"God Is Not a Christian" . I usually feel somewhat silly re-posting re-posted posts ;) but, this I just
had to pass forward!
He writes inspiringly
"We must be ready to learn from one another, not claiming that we alone possess all truth and that somehow we have a corner on God.[...] We have enough that conspires to separate us; let us celebrate that which unites us, that which we share in common."
read and re-post! ;)
In so many ways, YES! THANK YOU for sharing that! LOVE
:) :D :)
That just made me SOOO glad I did! xx
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