Around the house... the usual 'organised chaos'...although it's about to tip the scale to chaos if I don't intervene soon.
I'm wearing... white tee with the words 'FEAR LESS HOPE MORE' on it, my grey sweats and powder pink sparkly nail polish on my toe nails. :)
I'm reading... Elizabeth Gilberts 'Committed' (in Swedish). Liking it. Definately food for thought.
I'm hearing... the hmmmmm of the computer and the low tinkering of the keyboard when I type. It's late and everyone, but me, are asleep.
I'm learning... how much I miss learning. I miss studying. I haven't been back to uni since I made my decision (not sure why I should, but perhaps I better since the official paper work isn't done yet). There's some dead time now before I can go back to work so right now I'm just sort of waiting...
I'm thinking... too much!
I'm hoping... this heavy 'tiredness' I'm feeling will go away soon.
I'm grateful for... all the awesome women I know who give me strength and share with me of their wisdom.
Low note... last night's chaos of putting kiddies to bed. :( Felt like the worst mom ever... sometimes I wonder if the permanent memory that my kids will have of me as they grow up is my constant (?) frown and/or me barking at them about everything (?)...??? :´(
High note... going to the library with kiddies today and sitting together reading about dinosaurs and monsters after dinner. :)
Light...? Oh yeah, THE WORD... :/ Feels like I should have picked 'chaos' instead...or possibly 'roller-coaster'...?
When I chose 'Light' the words that resonated with me about it was clear, not heavy, content, smooth, lighthearted and shine, none of which I'm feeling...quite the opposite in fact. I feel heavier both physically and emotionally, neither lighthearted or content, my head/heart/thoughts/feelings are eons from clear, smooth or shining...
Depressing I know!'s
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