- Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama
What have you been up to today? :) I've not been up to much. Only been interacting with the family and unfortunately not really showing of the most compassionate side of myself. :/ The little people, especially little miss is trowing herself head first into the most awesome power struggles with me/us/any grown up at the moment and she just. doesn't. give. in! 'Unfortunately' she gets the stubborn streak from both her mum and dad and it isn't easy peasy for her either, 'cause she soooo badly wants to get her way, with everything. She needs compassion, I know this! I've done the theory and passed :D but theory and practise isn't so 'easy' when it comes to ones own offspring. *blushes* It's a struggle when she pushes aaaall my buttons at once and nothing I try to do for her is good enough... *breathe!* Let's say it's a work in progress, ok? ;p
I have been torturing (?) my facebook pals with Golden Rule-quotes all day and perhaps/maybe/hopefully brought compassion into light for some...? :)
Hope you have a day full of compassion,
"That which is despicable to you, do not do to your fellow, this is the whole Torah; the rest is commentary. Go and study it."
- Rabbi Hillel,
Talmud, Shabbat 31a
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