Open hearts, sharing souls, trusted friends.
I've got a soul sister. She's a one-of-a-kind-awesome-woman who speaks the words of my soul, she moves me and inspires me. We've know each other for a looong time now. :) We've never met face-to-face as I'm over here in snowy (nooo it's not snowy over here all the time! ;)) Sweden and she's waaaaay over on the other side of the planet (almost) in sunny (yeah! all the time! ;)) California. We're close despite the physical distance between us and we 'talk' all the time via facebook, blogs, mail and even old fashioned letters. :)
Yesterday was the first time that I picked up the phone and heard her voice. :) :) :) After about 5 seconds on the phone I'd forgotten all about what she's sounded like in my head for all these years ;) and now I hear and feel her even more true in my heart. ♥
For a fantastic 2, and a bit, hours we were talking in true girlfriend-style, :D about everything! ;) We touched on subjects like American history, genealogy, cookie baking, democracy, U.S (and international) politics, socialism, geography, education... and that's on top (or at the same time as) of all the 'usual' family stuff. :) FAB!! :D Just exactly what I'd imagined it to be... ♥ Perfect.
Thanks for the chat sis ♥ and thank you for being the awesome you that you are! ♥
Speak to you again soon!
I read Cora's post about you this morning. You guys are adorable!
I've had a smile on my face and all giddy since yesterday :D
I was torn between this picture and the one I posted!
What's so great is that we picked up on earlier written conversations and continued over the phone without having to go into details of back story.
G and T were like "Whoa! E's on the phone...that is so cool!" and were asking questions afterwards (G wanted to know how things were with S).
Now, we just need to get you over here for a visit ;) and then me over there ;).
DM, lol!
DM: :) :) :) We try our best! ;)
Cora: :D Glad to hear they didn't mind me taking up your time! ;) I'm SO going to do my darnedest to get myself over to Cali in the autumn!! :D
Nope, they didn't mind in the slightest ;)
Do you want me to check with the school district?
Feel free to make inquiries! :)
The university has told us that there's more of a chance of us getting a placement if they make an 'official' request rather than us getting in touch with the school's or such ourselves. But I think making inquiries is good! :)
Email me the names of schools that are close enough that you're OK with giving me a lift to/from (or allowing me to take the bus to/from?) and I'll pass them over to the uni people for the 'official' requests. :)
If all works our way *fingers crossed!* I'd be coming over approx. between 10th - 23rd October, give or take a few days for travel. :) The work placement would be for a week and then we've got an additional week to experience the 'culture' (i.e. hang out with my soul sis! ;)).
*note to self!*
Check with mum if she's free to take kiddiewinks!
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