But then with English not being my first language I just got a bit unsure about what exactly the words say... :/
My interpretation is that we are not really human beings trying to have a spiritual experience but in fact spirit beings trying to master the human experience...
Does the word "mastering" say that I'm already a Master at the human-bit of life ('cause that'd be all wrong!) or is it like I think/thought that it is a act of trying to master...??
Does my rambling make any sense...? Is my newly found "good" quote in truth a fat exaggeration?? :/
More than just slightly embarrassed,
Your interpretation is correct :) In this context "Mastering" means that you are in the process of learning the human experience ... of "knowing" the human experience.
Wow! Didn't realize how tricky it is to explain...what we take for granted :p
Love the quote, btw. And I so agree!
Thanks! :D
I'm glad my initial feeling was right...! :) Because, for me, it really added another yet colour to the prism of how to interpret Life...if you know what I mean... :)
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