I am not a human being
trying to have a spiritual experience.
I am a spirit being
mastering the human experience.

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Women Food and God

Where to start...? :)

I can't stand self-help-books with advice on empowerment, affirmations all that hooplah. Blah, blah, blah, yeah-yeah I'm beautiful and special and someone... Bleh! :p

But! After seeing Geneen Roth on Oprah a while back I went...wow... That makes sense... What an absolutely brilliant, beautiful, simple and bold idea... No more diets. Eat what my body wants...when I'm hungry, with pleasure... (etc.!) I have to learn more!

I ordered the book, still quite convinced it might end up as a never-ending 'toilet read', and it was laying about the house for a bit 'til I finally put in in my bag to have something to read on the long comute to work. On the third page (I think, lil'sis had my copy) I did the first of many 'dog-ears' and after the first chapter I started digging in my bag for a pen so that I could underline the awesomeness that leaped at me from the pages! I never underline things in books I read for pleasure...that's 'honour' ;p is soley for school book...except for this book! Wow... So beautifully simple, heart wrenchingly honest and...excellent.

There's so much I want to adress about this book! :) SO much underlined and dog-eared and many many light-bulb-moments... and as I said previously it can work/help anyone with any type of obsession or addiction if you manage to translate what Geneen has to say about food to your specific 'issue'. I might return with more when my sisters (older sis is waiting for her turn too ;)) are done reading. :)

One of my many favourite parts of the book is when she talks about the eating guidelines (I cringed - I'm too much of a 'permitter' ;) to cope with 'guidelines') 'til the part where she shares about an experience when she realised her students just didn't get it and she had to re-explain them as 'If love could speak...'-guidelines (the exact wording escapes me!) and I got major goose-bumps...'cause it was soooo true...! If Love, rather than 'The Voice', spoke to me...I'd not treat myself the way I do...the way I did.

I will not lie when I say that this was/is one of those Life Changing Books. I see things clearer, about myself and about food... I have let Love speak to me.

Yeah :D I looooved this book!
7 out of 5 stars! ;)

Oprah.com has plenty of interesting stuff on this book too! I didn't think I'd write as much as I have 'cause a lot can be found there. An excerpt, videos and more...go have a look and if you have even a slight obsessive streak...read this book!



Anonymous said...

I love Geneen Roth! Have you read her Refrigerator book? She's AMAZING.

E. said...

I haven't, but I did see/read your recommendation of it and will for sure read it too! :)

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