I've got a BIG exam tomorrow and I reallyreally should be studying for it but...since I haven't yet opened the books for it I'm going to use tomorrow as a trial run and aim to pass on the next opportunity. Opening the litterature now would just cause panic so I won't - I'll blog a bit instead. :D
I miss this - blogging! My right hand is a very tired hand dealing with most of my free time surfing on the android phone so I'm thinking it's time to get myself a cute little laptop? :) :) :)
What I'm here to say is that we've all settled well in BlueHouse. I'm happy, kids are too. Ex has gotten himself a place of his own too (which we feared he might not in time). Tomorrow we'll finally be free of ScabbyHouse as new owners will get the keys. :) I've been ready for this for sooo long...
Divorce has also gone through its final stages and I'm no longer a married woman and I've also sent in the application for my new surname. :)
Most things are good now. :) Not all, by any means, but when my biggest source of irritation right now is that I've yet to figure out how to fill the new dishwasher the Best way I really don't feel I've got too much to complain about...
I am sending out a little prayer for my heart to please stop skipping like it does from time to time... it's completely random yet equally painful everytime. Not ready for that just yet...
Much {{HUGS}} and LOVE to you, my dearest Sister <3 Have I mentioned how very proud I am of you lately?
'Cause I am.
And what's this now about a skipping heart? Anyone in particular or just when you see a particularly lovely specimen of the male species?
Well, All the very best.
Cora: :) The skipping heart is randomly skipping...therefor the *ouch* but...well... We'll see... we'll talk - soon. <3
Ankit: Thank you, I think it didn't go too badly. *fingers crossed*
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