I am not a human being
trying to have a spiritual experience.
I am a spirit being
mastering the human experience.

Thursday, 31 May 2012

Getting settled.

Hi y'all! :)
I've got a BIG exam tomorrow and I reallyreally should be studying for it but...since I haven't yet opened the books for it I'm going to use tomorrow as a trial run and aim to pass on the next opportunity. Opening the litterature now would just cause panic so I won't - I'll blog a bit instead. :D

I miss this - blogging! My right hand is a very tired hand dealing with most of my free time surfing on the android phone so I'm thinking it's time to get myself a cute little laptop? :) :) :)

What I'm here to say is that we've all settled well in BlueHouse. I'm happy, kids are too. Ex has gotten himself a place of his own too (which we feared he might not in time). Tomorrow we'll finally be free of ScabbyHouse as new owners will get the keys. :) I've been ready for this for sooo long...

Divorce has also gone through its final stages and I'm no longer a married woman and I've also sent in the application for my new surname. :)

Most things are good now. :) Not all, by any means, but when my biggest source of irritation right now is that I've yet to figure out how to fill the new dishwasher the Best way I really don't feel I've got too much to complain about...

I am sending out a little prayer for my heart to please stop skipping like it does from time to time... it's completely random yet equally painful everytime. Not ready for that just yet...

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Welcome Home!

Went by the apartment after this mornings exam (which went well, I think) and I brought with my a few house-warming gifts... :)

This one says Welcome H O M E on it and it made me
s m i l e...! :) :) :) So it just had to come with me Home. :)

I also got myself a potted calla lily and a sweet "sign" with a friendship quote on it to remind me how blessed I am. ♥

What would be typical house warming gifts where you're from??

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

:) :) :)

I've got the keys for my little apartment in the BlueHouse! :D On Friday/Saturday I'm getting help moving our things and... Iwannamoverightnooow!! ;) I've got a big exam tomorrow and I have studied, but my head is so not there right now! This is exactly why I was hoping to have done this moving business last year, when I was 'just' working... :) But, oh well, the Time has Finally arrived and I'm over the moon! :D

I HATE packing but moving, moving is heaven and my little flat is...adorable! :) :) :)

I've cancelled my broadband (for now) so the only surfing on the web I'll be doing in the near future in on my phone and then I'll be hanging out on Twitter (@HaudIgnota) - so, if you're curious to see what I'm up to pop by there! :)

No broadband - no (or very little) blogging but I will be back! So pleasepleaseplease don't shy away, I'll return, sooner rather than later. :)

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