About a week ago the horror of the bomb in Olso and following massacre at the youth camp at Utøya were becoming heartachingly clear... Tears streamed down my face most of the weekend, tears have continued to fall during the week when names and pictures were released of the victims, most of them young kids who had the brightest of the future ahead of them and it was all snatched away by...by... :/
Well I'll not be adding to his own sense of being glorified by writing his name here, I want to call him a Monster, Pure Evil but I honestly just feel this huge sense of grief and sadness when I see pictures of him... not concerning him but all the lives he took.
To hate there must have been love (someone said, can't remember who right now) and I only feel sadness for/about him. No hate, no anger, nothing... For his victims though, for those left behind with the unimaginable task of having to pick themselves up and try, as best as they can, to put their lives back together... For the whole nation of Norway, I feel Love, Light, Hope... You will be strong again, we stand with you.
Mitt lille land
Et lite sted, en håndfull fred
slengt ut blant vidder og fjord
Mitt lille land
Der høye fjell står plantet
mellom hus og mennesker og ord
Og der stillhet og drømmer gror
Som et ekko i karrig jord
Mitt lille land
Der havet stryker mildt og mykt
som kjærtegn fra kyst til kyst
Mitt lille land
Der stjerner glir forbi
og blir et landskap når det blir lyst
mens natten står blek og tyst
My little country
A little place, a handful of peace
thrown out among mountain plateau and fjords
My little country
Where high mountains are planted
among houses, people and words
Where silence and dreams grow
Like an echo in barren earth
My little country
Where the sea pats mild and soft
like it's caressing from coast to coast
My little country
Where stars glide by
and becomes landscapes when it gets lighter
while the night stands there -- bleak and silent.