People did you kiss? Enough. ;)
Countries did you visit? No traveling abroad at all this year.
Places did you live? 2. We sold Scabby House in the spring and me and the kids moved to the BlueHouse in May.
People did you date? A handful. :)
Books did you read? Too few...! 2-3 books of my own choise? Not much time for leisure reading whilst studying full time at Uni.
People were living with you? 2, my little ones. :)
Animals were living with you? No pets ...well, after May at least. Before that two cats.
What was your...
Favorite movie? Breaking Dawn part 2. Although I did really enjoy the latest Tinkerbell movie too. :)
Favorite concert? Not been to any concerts in 2012 but looking forward to one in 2013.
Worst experience? Not sure I've had anything worth complaining about happen to me this year...? I had a date that work out less than well (I had to call the police as he wouldn't stop pestering me afterwards) ...but that's about it for "worst experiences".
Happiest moment? Getting to "assist" when my good friend J gave birth to my god-daughter. After giving birth myself that'd be one of the most awesome experienses of my life! :)
Biggest change? Theres been plenty of changes in 2012. Moving to a place of my own for the first time since leaving my mothers house. To be independent is a powerful thing. The divorce was final in June, pretty big change too. And! I got my new surname...! :) :) :)
Biggest surprise? That dating is not only scary but fun! ...and falling in love ...hadn't expected that, and I'm still trying my best to cope with the unfamiliarity of it.
Did you...
Break a bad habit? Nah. Unfortunately not.
Start a relationship? Yeah...
End a relationship? Yes.
Change jobs? No.
Change living situations? Yes.
Lose a loved one? Thankfully not.
Start a new hobby? No.
Have an addition to the family? Not the immidiate family but the addition of M to my closest circle of friends is as good as an addition to it. :)
Get married? No.
Get divorced? Yes.
So, what are the things you want to see happen in 2013? Are there things you want to change in your life? About yourself? Comment!
For 2013 I hope things will keep falling into place as they have in 2012. Not looking/hoping for any major changes just for things to keep moving forward.
Happy New Year and Best wishes to you and yours for 2013!
the universe is unfolding as it should.